ADU’s (also called Granny Flats, In-Laws, Secondary Dwelling Units) are increasing in popularity– they’re an affordable option to construct on your property and they can even become a source of income for you if you decide to rent.
Assemble is a design and build residential remodeling company for homeowners who seek outstanding design, hands-on project management and cost transparency. We will walk you through the process so that you understand the details and how and you could benefit from an Accessory Dwelling Unit on your property. We take care of the necessary permits, handle the design, grading and construction for you.
The City of Encinitas created the Permit-Ready ADU (PRADU) program that offers property owners pre-approved building plans for Auxiliary Units.This program will reduce pre-construction costs, create expedited building permits and waive all city development fees.
Many cities in San Diego are also adopting pre-approved ADU's. We can check with the local building departments and determine the guidlines.
Pre-Approved Floor Plans
Pre-Approved Floor Plans
All of the plans come with finishing options or can be upgraded for an additional cost to match the exterior of your existing home.
• Assemble Build Process:
• Schedule Free Site Visit
• Site Plan Development
• Select Permit Ready Accessory Unit (PRADU)
• Budgeting & Construction Documents
• Permitting & Selections
• Construction
• Completion & Delivery
Assemble Process—8 Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit (Granny Flat Program)...more
Call us for a free property evaluation to help determine your goal and if an ADU is right for your property. 858.866.6958